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Freemasonry Terms

You may have seen on previous pages or elsewhere online, some terms you don't know or would like further clarification on and so this page is dedicated to just that. Nothing on this page reveals any "secrets" of our fraternity, much of which you could find online yourself, except being here on this page - you know it's the truth! SO MOTE IT BE!



ENTERED APPRENTICE (E.A.) - or the 1st Degree of 3. This is the beginning of the journey as a Mason, where you are provided some light in our order, but only some. As an Entered Apprentice, you can now call yourself a Mason and call your fellow Masons - "Brothers" and attend meetings. However, while an E.A. can voice his opinions at meetings, he cannot vote on topics, issues, and new candidates at those meetings, nor can an E.A. hold any officer positions.


FELLOWCRAFT (F.C.) - or the 2nd Degree of 3. This is middle passage of your journey as a Mason, where you are provided further light in our order, but only partial. As a Fellow Craft, you have the same benefits and restrictions of an E.A.


MASTER MASON (M.M.) - or the 3rd Degree of 3. This is the final part of your journey as a fully-fledged-Mason! You are now able to vote on topics, issues, and new candidates at meetings and you can now hold officer positions in your Lodge. Additionally, once a M.M. this opens up other opportunities to you outside of your Lodge, such as getting involved at the Grand Lodge level (with some prerequisites) and be now eligible to join other "Appendant" and "Concordant" bodies of Freemasonry (see the Other Masonic Organizations page for more information).


ELECTED OFFICERS: (positions that a Lodge must vote on)

WORSHIPFUL MASTER (W.M.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the highest authority in a local Lodge. While the Worshipful Master does hold a lot of power, Freemasonry still operates in a democratic form, in that most decisions must be held to a vote. The word "Worshipful" is not meant to idealize that this person is some sort of deity that should be worshiped (remember we aren't a cult!). But rather it is an old term that is simply meant to be a sign of respect and authority. The position of W.M. can only be obtained with the prerequisite of serving a year as EITHER a Senior Warden or Junior Warden.


SENIOR WARDEN (S.W.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the 2nd in command of a local Lodge. This person will fill in as the Master at meetings, if the W.M. is absent. This person is also learning what it takes to be a W.M. of a Lodge as they potentially (if elected) will be the next W.M. of the Lodge in the following year.


JUNIOR WARDEN (J.W.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the 3rd in command of a local Lodge. This person will fill in as the Master or S.W. at meetings, if the W.M. or S.W. are absent. This person is also learning what it takes to be a W.M. or S.W. of a Lodge as they potentially (if elected) could be the next W.M. or S.W. of the Lodge in the following year.


TREASURER (Tres.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the Treasurer of a local Lodge or the person who handles all of the finances of a Lodge.


SECRETARY (Sec.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the Secretary of a local Lodge or the person who handles all of the communications and records of a Lodge. All positions in a Lodge are important but the most busy ones are surely the Worshipful Master and Secretary. This position is a very important and busy one, as they are typically the first point of contact with the outside world such as YOU, being interested in joining. While not a rule, traditionally this role is taken on by a "Past Master."


APPOINTED OFFICERS: (positions that are appointed by the Elected W.M.)

CHAPLAIN (Chap.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the Chaplain of a local Lodge or the person who provides prayer at the opening and closing of a Lodge or Lodge function.


SENIOR DEACON (S.D.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the person who essentially conducts a Lodge in terms of what may transact with visitors, special guests, conducts candidates, and ensures the alter is in proper order for opening and closing a meeting.


JUNIOR DEACON (J.D.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the person who is essentially the guard inside a Lodge room, sees that the door to the Lodge is sealed (tyled) and attends to alarms at the door (visitors, special guests, candidates, etc.).


SENIOR STEWARD (S.S.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the person who additionally attends to the alter to ensure it is in proper order for opening and closing a meeting and will also assist in preparing and conducting candidates.


JUNIOR STEWARD (J.S.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the the person who literally watches the S.S. in his duties as he may be S.S. the following year. The J.S. also assists the S.S. in conducting candidates. This position is often the first officer chair that a new M.M. may hold.


TILER/TYLER (Tyl.) - this title is given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are currently serving as the person who is essentially the guard of the outside of the Lodge room door. A drawn sword in his hand to keep out non-Masons, imposters, and other threats (not really a problem these contemporary days as we have safeguards but nevertheless a serious symbolic position). While not a rule, traditionally this role is taken on by the previous years Master.


Note: Typically, but not always, unless someone asks to "step out of the line of progression," each individual will move up a position every year, starting with J.S. to S.S. to J.D. to S.D. (Chaplain, Secretary, Treasurer are typically skipped as they are specialized positions but can be elected for those) to J.W. to S.W. to W.M.



PAST MASTER (P.M.) - this distinguished title is only given to Masons (M.M.'s) who have served as a Worshipful Master of a local Lodge one or more times. This title doesn't bring any further authorities in any Lodge, other than being recognized as a Mason of experience in a Lodge, as someone who theoretically has served in every position or almost every position on top of serving as a Master of a Lodge, and being part of a small list of living P.M.'s in your local Lodge/state. These individuals also keep their title "Worshipful" (W.) but not "Master" as they are no longer serving as the current Master, so it would appear as Worshipful (W.) John Doe and they would describe themselves and be recognized as - Past Master.


DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER (D.D.G.M.) - this distinguished title is only given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are serving as a representative of the Grand Lodge, who oversees a "district" or small geographical area in the state that typically includes a few Lodges in different cities. They ensure that Lodges are compliant with the By-laws and are in good health, and ensure the Lodges are up to date on information from Grand Lodge, or informing Lodges of what's to come in the near future. These individuals are also entitled as "Right Worshipful" (R.W.) John Doe.


AREA DEPUTY GRAND MASTER (A.D.G.M.) - this distinguished title is only given to Masons (M.M.'s) who are serving as a higher representative of the Grand Lodge, who oversees an "area" or a larger geographical area in the state that consists of several "districts" and receives the information gathered from D.D.G.M.'s and therefore is a more direct contact to the Grand Lodge and Grand Master himself. These individuals are also entitled as "Right Worshipful" (R.W.) John Doe.


GRAND MASTER (G.M.) - this distinguished title is only given to a Mason (M.M.'s) who is serving as the highest authority of Freemasonry in a state. The Grand Master can interpret By-laws, provide edicts for special circumstances, can grant charters of new Lodges, or close Lodges. While the Grand Master does hold a lot of power, Freemasonry still operates in a democratic form, in that many big decisions such as with the changing of By-laws, must be held to a vote.

PAST GRAND MASTER (P.G.M.) - this distinguished title has the same meaning as Past Master except for that it is for having served as the Grand Master of a state.

"GRAND" Titles: The Grand Lodge has all of the usual local Lodge officer positions that have most of the same duties (but operate at the Grand Lodge level) but have "GRAND" in front of the title. For example: Grand Secretary.


ALTER - at the center of a Lodge room, a wooden structure like you might see at a church but typically adorned with Masonic symbolism, topped with the Bible or Holy Book of the initiates faith along with certain "working tools" of Freemasonry.


APRON - white cloth or traditionally leather, it is the badge of a Mason, perhaps the most important symbol of a Mason, based on stonemasons centuries ago who wore them to protect their clothing when working in the quarries. Worn at meetings, ritual, and special functions and often deposited with the body when Masons depart and ascend to the Grand Architect of the Universe.


BLUE/SYMBOLIC/CRAFT  LODGE (FREEMASONRY) - these are the terms to define the "basic" but no less important than other Freemason organizations, in fact perhaps "more" important due to the fact you must be a Blue Lodge Mason and maintain good standing in a Blue Lodge, BEFORE being eligible to join other Masonic organizations. This Freemasonry is the 1-3 Degrees. Example: Acacia #9 is a Blue Lodge.


CIPHER - a book for Masons that include words indecipherable by the uninitiated that include the dialogue of opening and closing a Lodge, ritual work, and more.




OPERATIVE MASONRY - Freemasons are based on the stonemasons of King Solomon's Temple and thus those stonemasons were "Operative (stone)Masons."


SPECULATIVE MASONRY - Freemasons are based on the stonemasons of King Solomon's Temple but are no longer building structures and so rather Freemasons are taking the teachings and tools of "Operative Masons" using them as metaphors to teach principles for moral and intellectual development.


WORKING TOOLS - Freemasons, based on the stonemasons of King Solomon's Temple, include many tools such as a square, level, plumb, compass, 24-inch gauge, trowel, common gavel, and more. Their uses will be revealed to you in the degrees.

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