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Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
of Lawrence, Kansas


Hello Visitor!


An assumption could be made that you are here on this page to learn more about Freemasonry. To find out: What is it? Who we are? What we do? And perhaps most importantly - is Freemasonry right for you?


If so, then you are in the right place! Understand that we will not be revealing any "secrets" of our Order to the uninitiated, not because we are hiding anything nefarious, but simply because of our obligations as Masons that stem from our traditions of this oldest surviving fraternity in the world!


Acacia Lodge #9, formed in 1867 (yes you read that date correctly), welcomes qualified men of all backgrounds and faiths who are interested in becoming a part of this great fraternity. A society of friends and brothers whose members and principles have influenced, and continue to shape, our country and our history. 


What are those qualifications you may be wondering?

Check out the "Freemasonry" page to find out more and check out the rest of the site while you're at it, to learn more about Acacia #9 specifically!


Already know you want to join? Click the "Contact Us" button below!


You are on your first step to potentially becoming a Mason - the research.

To take the next of becoming a Mason - ASK1 2B1.

"Making Good Men Better!"
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